Meet our finalist of the day. Read on to learn a bit about her and her entry. If you like what you see, comment right here--everybody deserves a pat on the back for their card-making skills. And check back weekdays through February 18 to meet the rest of the yourParenthood finalists.
With one dog and five cats in the family, you can probably guess which pet gets picked on the most. Jane says her daughter's silliness reminds her of herself when she was a child, which helps to make motherhood all the more rewarding.
"Space Scouts"
Space Scout Sparky and I
have been communicating
with the home planet.
We've told them you're
an out-of-this-world mom!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Introducing Jane Amoroso, yourParenthood Mother's Day Finalist
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Introducing Joy Moss, yourParenthood Mother's Day Finalist
Meet our finalist of the day. Read on to learn a bit about her and her entry. If you like what you see, comment right here--everybody deserves a pat on the back for their card-making skills. And check back weekdays through February 18 to meet the rest of the yourParenthood finalists.
In her seven years as a labor and delivery nurse, Joy has witnessed her share of sibling rivalry. So she was ready to snap this photo when her own children got into it. Joy especially likes the "What? I'm not doing anything!" expression on her baby son's face.
"Sibling Love"
For all those times.
Happy Mother's Day!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Need some fun-spiration?
For those of you still noodling on what to submit to the yourBloopers contest, might we interest you in some inspiration that'll have your brain rattling from all the laughter? Well, we just happen to have some friends in the funny biz who work just around the way from us (Really, we can see some of their desks from ours - hey, guys!).
Ever heard of a little card line called Shoebox? Yeah, that's them. Not only do they write outrageously funny cards. They've also got a blog. And it's hilarious (you didn't see that coming, did you?). Go get your daily dose of funny. Get ideas. Get inspired. Soak it up.
Introducing Vicky Spyrou-Andriotis, yourParenthood Mother's Day Finalist
Meet our finalist of the day. Read on to learn a bit about her and her entry. If you like what you see, comment right here--everybody deserves a pat on the back for the card-making skills. And check back weekdays through February 18 to meet the rest of the yourParenthood finalists.
Vicky is an author and "stay-at-home-momma" who's always enjoyed making her own greeting cards. "Being able to share them with the world?" she marvels. "How fun is that?" Vicky's kids provide her with joy, inspiration, and "every gray hair on her head!"
"Getaway Car"
When her kids want to
run away from home...
... a really good mom
packs them a lunch
and hides in the back seat.
Happy Mother's Day
to a really good Mom.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Introducing Kathleen Schreiber, yourParenthood Mother's Day Finalist
Meet our finalist of the day. Read on to learn a bit about her and her entry. If you like what you see, comment right here--everybody deserves a pat on the back for their card-making skills. And check back weekdays through February 18 to meet the rest of the yourParenthood finalists.
Kathleen entered this card featuring her nephew so she could earn bragging rights--for her sister. "She's done so many good things for me; I wanted to do something nice for her that everyone will see," she says. "It's all about family, and it comes from the heart that way."
"Yes You"
to have a
Happy Mother's Day!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Introducing Diane Hopewell, yourParenthood Mother's Day Finalist
Meet our finalist of the day. Read on to learn a bit about her and her entry. If you like what you see, comment right here--everybody deserves a pat on the back for their card-making skills. And check back weekdays through February 18 to meet the rest of the yourParenthood finalists.
Diane is the lucky mom of two little boys who always keep her on her toes. She chose this picture because it captures her son's love for water and bubbles (and his fun personality). "He helps me take life a little less seriously!" she says.
"More Bubbles"
Enjoy a hot bubble bath!
A great mom like you
deserves a break.
Hope your Mother's Day
is a relaxing one.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Introducing Jennifer Spencer, yourParenthood Mother's Day Finalist
Meet our finalist of the day. Read on to learn a bit about her and her entry. If you like what you see, comment right here--everybody deserves a pat on the back for their card-making skills. And check back weekdays through February 18 to meet the rest of the yourParenthood finalists.
Jennifer says of her photogenic daughter, "She loves to play dress up and 'help' fold laundry." She also praises her girl's resourcefulness and fashion sense. Whether underpants as headdress is all the rage in Jennifer's neck of the woods has yet to be determined.
"Nice Hat"
Love the hat!
Who said "Mommy" underwear
wasn't fashionable?
Happy Mother's Day!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Introducing Teresa Moody, yourParenthood Mother's Day FInalist
Meet our finalist of the day. Read on to learn a bit about her and her entry. If you like what you see, comment right here--everybody deserves a pat on the back for their card-making skills. And check back weekdays through February 18 to meet the rest of the yourParenthood finalists.
Teresa snapped this photo of her daughter, who woke up on the wrong side of the bed. That morning, even homemade cinnamon rolls couldn't bring a smile to her face, she says. "I'm sure every mom has come across this look at some time or another!"
"Cranky Curls"
For putting up
with 364 days of this...
You deserve at least
one stress free day of the year!
Happy Mother's Day!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Introducing Hailey Lystad, yourParenthood Mother's Day Finalist
Meet our finalist of the day. Read on to learn a bit about her and her entry. If you like what you see, comment right here--everybody deserves a pat on the back for their card-making skills. And check back weekdays through February 18 to meet the rest of the yourParenthood finalists.
Hailey's daughter had an "abnormally full head of hair" when she was four months old. Just for fun, mom and dad blow-dried baby's hair one night after bath time. "I've had the photo on my computer just waiting for a contest like this to come along," Hailey says.
"Hair Raising"
Being a mom is hard work.
It can make your hair
stand on end.
Happy Mother's Day!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Introducing Danica Patchen, yourParenthood Mother's Day Finalist
Meet our finalist of the day. Read on to learn a bit about her and her entry. If you like what you see, comment right here--everybody deserves a pat on the back for their card-making skills. And check back weekdays through February 18 to meet the rest of the yourParenthood finalists.
A stay-at-home mom, Danica stumbled upon this scene just before a family portrait appointment. She loves this photo because, "It celebrates those motherhood moments that--a few days removed, of course--make you say, 'That one's going in the baby book!'"
"Clowning Around"
It's funny how quickly
Family Portrait Day plans
can go awry.
Have a non-three-ring-circus
kind of Mother's Day.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Introducing Zandra Katauskas, yourParenthood Mother's Day Finalist
Meet our finalist of the day. Read on to learn a bit about her and her entry. If you like what you see, comment right here--everybody deserves a pat on the back for their card-making skills. And check back weekdays through February 18 to meet the rest of the yourParenthood finalists.
Zandra's children are the greatest joy of her life. But as every mom knows, even the best kids have their moments. When her daughter threw a fit over a toy, Zandra snapped this rare photo of her not being her usual angelic self.
"Momentary Meltdown"
got kids?
Want one of mine?
Wishing you a
tantrum-free Mother's Day!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Introducing Kristin Reynolds, yourParenthood Mother's Day Finalist
Meet our finalist of the day. Read on to learn a bit about her and her entry. If you like what you see, comment right here--everybody deserves a pat on the back for their card-making skills. And check back weekdays through February 18 to meet the rest of the yourParenthood finalists.
Oh, the things this little girl will do to amuse her four brothers. Her mom, Kristin, says this photo is just, um, scratching the tip of the iceberg. "Our kids do things that make us laugh, revile, want to throw up and smile like we swallowed the sun," she says.
"Dig It"
Inside: have to pick your battles.
Happy Mother's Day!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Introducing Lindsey Simpson, yourParenthood Mother's Day Finalist
Meet our finalist of the day. Read on to learn a bit about her and her entry. If you like what you see, comment right here--everybody deserves a pat on the back for their card-making skills. And check back weekdays through February 18 to meet the rest of the yourParenthood finalists.
A package developer for a cosmetics company, Lindsey knows cute when she sees it.
Although she's admittedly biased toward the photo of her nephew, Lindsey believes it's the perfect card for any mom. "We couldn't get this shot again if we tried!" she says.
"Chit-Chat Chums"
So we talked it over
and came to a conclusion...
It's official.
You are a GREAT mom!
Happy Mother's Day!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Introducing Evelyn Teason, yourParenthood Mother's Day Finalist
Meet our finalist of the day. Read on to learn a bit about her and her entry. If you like what you see, comment right here--everybody deserves a pat on the back for their card-making skills. And check back weekdays through February 18 to meet the rest of the yourParenthood finalists.
Face to face is the best with a cute face like this, but even on the phone, this kid is a charmer. He's going places...and his proud parents will be the secret to his success. His mom Evelyn, an insurance broker, knows a good shot when she sees one.
"Smooth Operator"
Have your people
call my people...
And they will all agree
that you are a fantastic mom.
Happy Mother's Day!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Introducing Chuck Peters, yourParenthood Mother's Day Finalist
Meet our finalist of the day. Read on to learn a bit about him and his entry. If you like what you see, comment right here--everybody deserves a pat on the back for their card-making skills. And check back weekdays through February 18 to meet the rest of the yourParenthood finalists.
Chuck is a project manager, but his four children are his biggest project. He and his wife always find the time to "sit back and laugh about the cute things the kids say." Would he miss any opportunity to get their adorableness on camera? No way!
"No Way"
Say what...
babies come from where?????
And mothers only get one day?
I think it should be Mother's Week!
Either way.
Happy Mother's Day!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Introducing Nancy Donahue, yourParenthood Mother's Day Finalist
Meet our finalist of the day. Read on to learn a bit about her and her entry. If you like what you see, comment right here--everybody deserves a pat on the back for their card-making skills. And check back weekdays through February 18 to meet the rest of the yourParenthood finalists.
Children can be messy for sure, but when it's your own child, it's irresistably cute, says Nancy. This book-cover illustrator and designer knows that being a great mom is the best and most satisfying form of art there is.
"Sticky Kisses"
Only a great Mother like you...
...could get sideswiped
by a sticky kisser
and swear it was
the best she ever had!
Happy Mother's Day!
Friday, January 9, 2009
This is what it sounds like to be a finalist!
Monday, January 5, 2009
And the yourHoliday Grand Prize Winner is