Sunday, March 16, 2008

Funny or No?

So, we judges have started digging in to your submissions and are *usually* laughing when we should. The humor nut is a tough one to crack, that's for sure (ask any of our veteran Shoebox writers or artists who have their own personal, very large collections of "no's"). (Actually, they did a whole chapter on that in their book last year and go on and on about it on their blog.)

And serious about humor though we may be, there was at least once when we couldn't help but lose it because of your funnyness. Hilarious. Thank you.

If you have been waiting until the last minute to submit your funny, just remember to restrict that funny to "just for fun" card ideas -- that means no birthdays and no holidays, just a joke ready to send in a card for a laugh.

You've just got until the end of this week, until SUNDAY night 11:59 CST to be exact, to submit YourFunny*ness to us.

Enjoy the funny. Be the funny. Live the funny.

(Good luck! We hope you win.)


Rose said...

DONT LOSE MY FUNNY! Hallmark, you wrote me to tell me that due to a system error when submitting my entry, you were going to allow me to resubmit. When I do, it gives me an "oops, you already submitted" message. I wrote you back to tell you so, with no response, in email. The clock is ticking! Let me send it by email or something if there is a system error please?


aizen marina said...


I know you only accept people who lives in USA, but..please, think about this for next competitions! It would be great to take a part-
Marina (Argentina)

judgy judgerson said...

Hello, Marina - We're working on expanding our ability to offer our competitions to folks outside of the US. We don't want to limit the fun and are glad that you would like to take part once we're able to extend the offer! Take care and stay tuned, Judgy

judgy judgerson said...

Rose - Are you all set now? Judgy

Rose said...

Well, I did get an email saying that I got the "resubmit" email in error. (Lot's of errors here! That may be a funny in and of itself!) However, I do have to wonder because when I did submit my entry originallyl, the thumbnail on the little card was completely blurred. Not sure that is supposed to happen.

So now I think you got it, but I am not sure at all it was received correctly, even though I tried all sizes, including 300dpi, to rid of the blur.



Rose said...

Oh, I wanted to add, the email said "I'm sorry but you were bulked into an email that went out about incorrect dpi submitions. Your submission was COMPLIANT". So,I can only HOPE it was received unblurred, if that is what compliant means.

I just think its a really good and universal funny, and I worked for hours on drawing it. So I would be sorely disappointed if it wasn't at least received correctly.
